Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Celebrating the Centennial through Continued Academic Excellence

Celebrating the Centennial through Continued Academic Excellence
The Pensionado Act allowed Filipino students to study in the U.S. These students are known as Pensionados and are sent to study at American schools by the Philippine government. Upon completion of their degrees, the pensionados go back to the Philippines where they occupy important government positions.
Fulbright Scholars
This program was conceived by Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and carried forward by the Fulbright Act of 1946 and it was an educational scholarship grant program to encourage international intellectual and cultural exchange to foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.
Tonight we have students and alumni from George Washington University who continue the tradition of providing encouragement and support for academic excellence but in a 2006 manner. Next Sunday, April 9th they are going to skydive for scholarships. You have an opportunity to sponsor their skydiving adventure through your tax deductible donation. Please see Joni or Esther for more information and to make your donation for their effort to support educational opportunities for all.


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